On the way to circular economy - Jordanian government delegation explores the EPR system in Germany

On its ambitious path to a circular economy, the Jordanian government has introduced an Extended Producer Responsibility system for packaging waste in 2022 with technical support from GIZ on behalf of the BMUV "Export Initiative Environmental Protection".

In March 2023, GIZ organized a study tour on behalf of the BMUV together with cyclos GmbH for twelve high-ranking representatives from the Jordanian government. The aim was to learn and exchange information about waste management and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems. For this purpose, the delegation visited German waste treatment and recycling facilities, the central packaging register and a system operator in Bonn, Cologne, Lünen and Osnabrück, among other cities.

The BMUV Export Initiative Environmental Protection aims to export know-how available in Germany and support environmental protection worldwide. It contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Type of publication
Waste Management and EPR